Update v0.6.00

V0.6.00 (January 30, 2025)

New game features:

- Implemented new combat attribute, Marksmanship. This is used for most projectile-based attacks such as those done with bows, crossbows, and gunpowder weapons.

- Implemented new combat attribute Battlefield Restoration. This is used to increase the power of healing and soothing abilities strictly on the battlefield.

- Implemented Ease of Hit battle mechanic

-- This provides a flat bonus or penalty when calculating accuracy against a target

-- No combat attributes affect this directly; rather, it is a result of form traits (like Small and Large) and status effects (Shrunken, Grown, Umbra Obscura, etc)

- Implemented critical hit chance stat modifier. This directly modifies the chance of an attack being a critical hit.

- Added Minimum Range to some ranged combat abilities. Battle entities that are too close to the target are unable to perform that attack until, or if, they can move far enough away

-- This penalizes ranged units who find themselves too close to enemy units

- Added Close Combat Penalty to many ranged attacks

-- When attempting an attack with this, each enemy in melee range of the attacker reduces that attack's accuracy by 40%

- Some combat abilities now use a random range for warmup values such as the goblin's Spring the Ambush!

- Upon migration to this version of the game, the party gains 1 Reskill Token. Using this causes the player and all companions (in or out of the party) to have all their skill points be reset and made available to be distributed again

- Added Do Not Sell option that can be assigned to all inventory items except quest items or those otherwise marked as non-sellable in their definitions

-- Items under the Do Not Sell list are not shown in the player inventory when interacting with merchants, and are ignored by the Balance and Transfer All Trade Goods options

-- An icon displays over inventory items that have this enabled at the bottom-left

- Added single-use potions that grant short term status effects to increase one's combat attributes

-- If a party member already has the status effect granted by a potion, they cannot use another one until the status effect expires

-- Added a new filter option in the inventory item filter, "Gives Status Effect". When toggle on, only potions that give status effects are displayed.

- Adding in summoning inside battles

-- Summoned entities spawn on an open tile directly adjacent to the target enemy entity. Tiles further away from the caster are prioritized.

-- If all tiles around the target enemy are blocked, the ability fails. The AI has a check around this and should avoid using the ability in this wasteful situation, but the player can still attempt it (for now).

-- Summoned entities take their first turn be between 3 and 7 turns after their summoner's, or otherwise at the very end of the round.

-- Summoned entities gain a non-expiring status effect in battle, Summoned. This halves their health and lust maximums and prevents them from doing any summons themselves.

-- Summoned entities enter the battle several randomly determined levels below the caster's, but never lower than level 1.

-- Summoned entities are not counted in the knocked out allied battlers count, nor appear in the post-battle departures battle

-- The summoning attack can still miss or be dodged as with other physical attacks.

-- Summoned enemy battle entities do not contribute to post-battle loot or experience gain

- Some followers now have form traits that contribute to Best of Party adventuring skill rolls

-- These benefits are non-stacking, so multiple followers with the same trait do not continue to increase the overall skill, even if the followers are in different forms

- Followers now have a low chance to gain "secret" tags when generated into a certain recruitment group.

-- The chance of gaining a secret tag (such as "traitor") varies according to location.

-- The player is warned at the recruitment panel if any followers may be traitors

-- Enlistee followers from Patreon should never spawn with any secret tags, even if they come from a group where it's possible

- Added in a set of Brief buff potions that give the player or companion status effects that increase Adventuring skills

-- Followers cannot use these as they do not have Adventuring skills of their own

- Added chance for some lost and betraying follower events to transfer the follower to a recoverable follower deposit

-- This is currently only used in The Bimbo of My Enemy quest and the new The Dollhouse quest. Once a quest is completed, a nearby relevant point of interest will have a new attraction (similar to trade, recruit, transfer, etc) that allows for a lost follower transfer into the party (but not out)

-- Retrieving a lost follower costs the player a day's worth of that follower's wages. This is treated as a deferred payment / debt.

-- The follower's time limit is determined by when they leave the party, not when the quest is completed

-- Followers being kept in lost follower deposits will leave first thing in the morning after three days if the party hasn't retrieved them

-- The chance that a follower becomes recoverable can vary. Campaign customization options have been added to modify this chance.

New game content (quests/writing/art/etc):

- Added new quest, The Rising Star. This quest introduces the game's third companion, the hero-bard Aros Starchime.

-- Aros has a base form ability, Battlesong, that buffs up to six nearby unique allies taking only one movement point and not ending his turn
-- Aros' (and Astrid's) artwork is by LadyCleopatra

-- Aros' theme song is by Caelus Windcat

- Added new quest, The Dollhouse, found in Fort Veronica.

-- Porcelain toy villager and toy soldier artwork is by GlobbinArts

-- Eugenia artwork is bh GlobbinArts

-- The Eugenia marionette-doll is by Iridius

-- The dollhouse theme music is by BecciCP

- Added some new content to the Self Maid mansion for the treasure vault room and the game room. Added a new trap as well, and some existing rooms can now transform companions in addition to followers. More content is still planned.

- Added Goblin Looters. Art is by GlobbinArts

- Darla the pixie merchant now has three new Crap Rings that lower athletics, domination, and roguery by 10

- Added a few new equipment items that increase Marksmanship that can be food on vendors or in loot containers

- Added the Burning Immune form trait that blocks the Burning status effect. Owned by automatons, mermaids, and slimes, and others.

- Added Wrist Mounted Compass, a bracelet equipment item that improves party movement speed by 5% when equipped. Benefits do not stack.

- Added The Rising Star quest introducing the third companion, Aros Starchime.

-- This quest is found at the Mad Mare Tavern in Whitetail Watch during the daytime or sunset.

- Added Crown of the Lethal Huntress, a tier 1 head equipment item that improves marksmanship and increases critical hit chance

- Added Undergarment of the Goblin underwear item that allows the wearer to use the new goblin summoning combat ability

- Added Court of Lust Guerrilla Band hostile NPC party to west of Giusburg Outskirts

- The Demon Agent form is now used in battles. They deal lust damage and can summon demon thralltaker allies in battle

- The Moon Nymph Acolyte now has a new combat ability, Midnight Howl, that summons a wolf near an enemy

- Added new map, Fort Veronica. Found on an island to the east of Giusburg Outskirts

- Added completed pirate captain artwork by silververity

- Added some Shipwreck Cargo resource nodes on ocean-facing maps like North Shore and Giusburg Outskirts. These are better detected with higher Perception adventuring skills. Looting them grant supplies and loot

- Added Realm Traveler Luci Valentine in Fort Veronica. Art is by GlobbinArts

- Added silver mermaid statue for small pirate cove popup dungeon trap. Art is by hermes3megistus.

- Added corrupted fairy queen encounter in the corrupted bug popup dungeons where the player has a chance to steal treasure or rescue and recruit captives

- Added new alchemy ingredient, Ruby River Snail Shell

-- These are found in a new resource node found alongside rivers

- Added custom artwork for Damia Twofinger in The Bimbo of My Enemy quest. Art is by Icy.

- Added follower and companion forms for hens, roosters, pigs, and frogs. Art is by Icy.

-- The Frog Boglurker can be encountered in the corrupted bog popup dungeon as an enemy. The trap with the frog has also been updated to allow for a chance for the transformed follower to rejoin the party

-- Volnya the Hag now has her own unique form and owns a spell, Here Piggy Piggy..., that can transform targets into pigs

-- Volnya still uses the Elf Raider Seducer artwork. In the future she will have her own custom graphic

-- Hens and roosters can be found by transforming enemies with the new Chicken Wand popup dungeon reward

- Added wolf feral form. Art is by hermes3megistus

-- Feral wolves are now summoned instead of wolf wildwomen by the Midnight Howl summoning combat ability


-- Some followers have their levelup strategies changed to invest points in Marksmanship or Battlefield Restoration. Others like the Dwarf Musketeer invest in both Strengh and Marksmanship to remain in a hybrid role.

-- Many form traits, status effects, and equipment bonuses have been altered to fit the new Marksmanship and Battlefield Restoration combat mechanics

- The Drunken Starfish, Mad Mare, and Horny Sparrow taverns now also have merchants that trade in cheap, quality, and vintage wines.

- Added an inventory sort button

-- This groups items together by their type, so weapons go together, potions go together, etc. Once grouped, items are then sorted alphabetically.

--- Note that even within a category like "potion" there is grouping according to whether the option restores health / reduces lust, whether it causes transformations, grants a status effect, and more

-- Merchant inventories are sorted this way whenever their inventory is refreshed

- The battle AI now also factors in the expected chance to hit an enemy target when determining a good move

- The navigation bar tooltips now show what hotkey launches them

- Added variety and item abundance modifiers for merchants

-- The variety modifier alters the overall likeness of a certain item rarity category from spawning in a merchant inventory. Higher values of this means the merchant generally has a larger variety of items available for purchase, and lower values meant they have fewer.

-- The abundance modifier alters the overall quantity of items of an already-chosen item type, as long as it doesn't take the quantity below one.

- Reworked the Level Up combat/adventure screen to allow investing multiple points into one attribute without repeatedly going through the screen

-- There still exists a limit per attribute, forcing the player to diversify the combat and adventuring points into at least 3 different attributes

- Some battlefield transformations are now blocked if the game has a relevant theme tag disabled.

-- For example, Venomous Bite now has a low chance to transform the target into an Arachnid Morphling, but only if the Spider theme tag is enabled.

- Added a small dismiss button to the map up effects that show in the top-right as these can take a while to go away when there are many of them displayed at once, such as when using potions of many party members at once

- Added All +1 and -1 buttons on use single use item panel to apply or remove 1 potion to all currently shown party members.

- Added X to close for more panels including inventory, party views, quests, and resting

- Moved the multi-ability panel's confirm and clear buttons from End Turn button to reduce the chance of a misclick

- Battle multi-ability panel now uses E to confirm hotkey and X to reset the target list

- Added a "show base forms" / "show current forms" toggle on the follower list view

- Added a small choice button reminder to The Sword in the Grass quest to remind the player they must be in their bunny knight form to hand in the feast items

- Added a battle log message for when giving an ally a positive status effect fails / miscasts

- Added a "major changes" panel that launches the first time a game is loaded following a migration that integrates some core gameplay changes that players should be aware of, such as the addition of Marksmanship and Battlefield Restoration

-- This can be suppressed in the gameplay settings. Suppressing it does not dismiss the message, so if that preference is set back to off, the migration notices will resume displaying

-- Clicking the "Got It" button dismisses the migration notice for all existing future game loads on that file

-- This panel will load if the current game version matches or exceeds the version the notice is set to, so loading V0.5.0.5 will not skip over the first migration message from V0.5.0.1. Multiple migration messages will be enqueued.

- Added a few more alchemy ingredients and changed up some buff / status effect granting potion recipes to use them

- Added a Miscast floating battle sprite for when allies fail to receive a positive status effect from an ability

- Reworked Enemy Ahoy! combat ability for elf sharpshooter to use a spyglass status effect icon instead crosshairs. It now also has a one turn cooldown.

- Added Marked! combat ability for elf sharpshooter that marks an enemy target, making them easier to hit for a few rounds and reducing their dodge chance. Has a one turn cooldown.

- Added an extra private residence key in Coalnose Quarry
- Added an optional filtering to the Crafting panel sorting the displayed recipes by output item type such as health or lust restoration, transformation potions, transformation reversal potions, etc.

- Reworked how the game calculates the chance of followers departing when waiting outside the party at a point of interest

-- The chance of followers leaving is now 1% per day they've stayed put, with a 1 day grace period before that counter starts to accommodate for shorter companion quests

-- When the game migrates from older versions to this one, all followers waiting at points of interest start their waiting timer at 0 days

- Reduced victorious battle XP gain from battles with higher enemy levels

- Added ability to discard certain items that may be tied to non-quest encounters but are unsellable, such as the Kitsune's Pendant and Kitsune's Charged Pendant

- The camera now always snaps back to the party when the party is moved through an in-game choice via the MovePartyEffect. This makes it easier to tell that the party is not where it was previously.

- Reworked loading screen to slightly improve game loading performance

- Some specialist merchants will now no longer purchase any items from the player party

- Removed force tilemap update button on escape panel as it was not effective in fixing or diagnosing invisible door issues

- Added a combat ability detailed view that gives a more complete breakdown on what a combat ability does, including the chances for it to give status effects, transform enemies, and more.

- Removed the hard 6 or more follower requirement for entering the corrupted fairy grove. The player is still shown warnings but can choose to bypass them if desired

- Dance of Desire now takes 2 movement points instead of all 3 and does slightly reduced damage

- Added campaign customization option for the player to retain direct control over both peaceful and aggressive feral animals. These are off by default

- The form trait icons for feral peaceful and feral aggressive now show on the battle-relevant form trait icon list above the selected battle entity battle


- Bugfix for statistics panel not showing updated / correct numbers when viewed after leveling up the player or companion

- Fixed some incorrect labeling on statistics panel stating some form traits were status effects

- The follower and companion detail panels in battle are now forcibly closed when the battle ends, fixing a bug where the party could not move back on the local or world map after returning from a battle when either was left open

- Bugfix for popup dungeons not resetting in the case of the player being knocked out due to health loss or lust overflow

- Fix for equipment bonuses being mislabeled as status effects in statistics panel

- Bugfix for "Then Along Came a Spider" for when a companion is targeted but none are eligible

- Fix for physical ranged damage modifiers not showing up on Statistics panel for form traits

- Fix for time control hotkeys (spacebar and keys 1-4) still interacting with world/local map speeds even when in a battle

- Bugfix for loading autosaves generated immediately after leaving a popup dungeons not correctly recording whether the party is a land or water traverser

- Added some additional checks so hostile NPC parties should not be alerted by the player party's movement during scene changes

- The Sharpshooter Musket now gives a -2 reflexes as previously implied by flavor text. It now also gives a +1 Marksmanhip bonus

- Bugfix for dodged, deflected, reflected, or rebuffed attacks still occasionally transforming the target

- Bugfix for reflected spells causing the original caster to drop down to 0 health or rising to max lust and not being removed from the battle

-- In these scenarios, the original attacker will drop no lower than 1 health or 1 below max lust. This will likely be changed during future battle refactoring.

- Fix for talking to Vyndaii using incorrect text for goodbye when ending the conversation with her immediately after beginning it

- Bugfix for some dialogue in Strange New Silk leading to emergency leave button to show up

- Bugfix for effect logs hanging around almost completely transparent in top-right of map after performing actions such as using transformation potions on followers

- Bugfix for autobattle being enabled causing the post-transformation betrayal chance to use the incorrect configuration value

- The battle ended panel should no longer count betraying allies or enemies in the remaining combatant counts

Cheat/Debug controls (patreon-backer builds only):

- Added "give selected companion" xp button on party debug panel
- Reworked teleport debug panel to load from an xml file


The Restoration of Aphrodisia 1.2 GB
Version 0.6.00 40 days ago

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Deleted 38 days ago

Which ingredients do you have an insufficient amount of? You can find the fairy moss by talking to the fairies in the grove once you're friendly with them, collect mermaid tears on the beach, find purple cave mushrooms in the caves (some of the chambers are initially obscured by map fog), and the alchemy jar is found on a shelf in the laboratory.

Deleted 38 days ago

great update, i just wish i was mentally able to read it all
cant wait to continue the adventure

This is absolutely fantastic~
