Public Update V0.6.07

V0.6.04-V0.6.07 (February 28, 2025)

New game features

- Added ability for NPC parties to stop being hostile when certain triggers are met

-- This is used for the wandering dragon parties in Grayboulder Summit as part of the new quest

-- Hostile NPC parties have their min-max party size text appear in pink while friendly / nonhostile parties appear in green

New game content (quests/writing/art/etc):

- Added The Horny Dragon's Hoard quest. This can be found in the southwest of Giusburg Outskirts and is recommended at level 14 and higher.

-- Dulaxus Firesong artwork is by first-time artist for Restoration, KaleWesker. Check out more of their art at

-- Dragon Changeling, Battlewife, and Eggwife artwork is by GlobbinArts

-- Clan Dragonslayer dwarf artwork is by Icy

- Added artwork for the slimegirl trio Clementine, Peach, and Apricot at the end of the Oh My Darlings quest. Art is by silververity.

- Added some hints for First Steps into the Fray to state which four side quests contribute toward its own progression

- Added reminder at the lighthouse in Amour Aquatic to return when it is sunset before the meeting with Nyptunia

- Added a random event to point players toward The Seeker's Sorrow

-- This random event triggers when The Last Gardener is completed and at least three days have elapsed since its conclusion. It also requires that The Seeker's Sorrow quest has not yet been discovered.

- Added a goblin warband camp popup dungeon in North Shore for levels 3 and up

- Added higher strengths of Crates of Bandages and Bundles of Lustrecia Leaves that restore 25 and 50 health/lust


- Made significant refactoring to the underlying battle code to make the system more reliable and more modular in the future

-- This should fix some old bugs (like multi-attacks sometimes causing the next battle entity to miss a turn) but has a chance to introduce new ones. Please report any issues you find!

- Added more information to the combat ability full view for when a combat ability has health leeching (such as the Arachnid Morphling's Vitality Transfer)

- Added base damage modifier to combat ability full view. This informs the player the base damage modifier for the ability, not the existing actual expected damage values that shows below it

- Removed the ~ symbol in front of the meals count when larger when the value is 1,000 or larger since it could be confused as a negative sign rather than the intended "about" sign

- The money display in the HUD now truncates the value shown for brevity's sake, rounding numbers like 12,131 to 12.1k, 123,135 to 123k, 1,812,103 to 1.8m, etc.

-- The precise amount still shows up on the Inventory panel and when interacting with merchants

- Battles should now end when all remaining members of the opposing team have turned traitor OR are Feral (Peaceful) instead of requiring all members to be one or all members to the other

- Some item-unlockable doors can now require multiple counts of the same item to be opened

- Sacks of gold coins found in resource nodes like shipwreck cargo are now auto-opened when that player preference is enabled, similar to loot containers

- The game now logs the number of hours that party members (player, companions, and followers) spend in their current form

-- Followers and companions waiting at a point of interest or not in the party do not have these hours recorded

-- This is used in filters and allows for events to trigger only when a follower/companion/player has spent a certain number of hours in their current transformation or base form

- Minor tweak to one of the Dig Site popup dungeon battlemaps

Cheat/Debug controls (patreon-backer builds only):

- Added option to boost all companions in party to match player level, similar to follwers


- Weapon rack loot containers should no longer spawn any popup dungeon reward weapons such as the Chicken Wand

- The Bimbonic Plague and Elite Infected status effects should now be removed from any recoverable followers following completion of The Bimbo of My Enemy quest

-- Added a migration script to globally remove these status effects (not just the player party, but all followers transferred out of the party) if the quest is completed

- Recoverable followers should also not keep any combat-only status effects displaying as "0 turns remaining

- Fixed being able to re-collect the paint tins, paint brush, etc in The Dollhouse quest

-- These four items should be automatically removed by the migration script if the quest is completed and they are in the party inventory

- Bugfix for Magical Paintbrush (Porcelain Toy Soldier) performing the porcelain villager transformation instead of soldier transformation

- Fix for merchant gold dropping to 0 when campaign customization set to .5

- Disabled right-clicking to move until the first pathfinding task is completed, successfully or not

-- This should prevent some strange party-jumping behaviors that could happen when performing long pathfinding tasks such as in Greenridge Valley or Giusburg Outskirts

-- A downside to this is that the player must wait for long (length depends on size of map) pathfinding tasks to fail and abort when attempting to move into closed-off areas

- Fixed barn transformation in The Whey to Curdshire replacing the already-loaded in follower in the failure outcome

- Bugfix for corrupted fairy grove map fog being disabled

- Bugfix for the final attack of multiattacks not setting the ability's cooldown when the final attack is skipped due to the target already being defeated

- Fix for inaccessible beach portion of North Shore where a resource node can be revealed

- Fix for the hostile NPC party interaction notice incorrectly listing peaceful feral followers as always being too wounded or lustful to night

-- Peaceful feral followers will not contribute toward the low stat count anymore, even when they would if they were not feral

- Fix for incorrect output potion for one of the recipes that teach combat-stat-enchancing potion brewing

- Fix for meadow rocky battle tiles being non-traversable instead of just rough terrain

- Fix for AI best-ability-at-tile scoring not summing multiattack calculations and leading the AI to not use multiattacks when it would be beneficial


The Restoration of Aphrodisia 1.2 GB
Version 0.6.07 11 days ago

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