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I have been running around a lot on the map but I haven't been able to find any popup dungeons, is there a way to increase the chance of finding them?

This game looks great, I wonder if there will be future releases on different platforms for the game including Android, I can't wait to try the game on different devices), thank you very much to you for this game, success in your work

Porting to a different OS is a lot of work. It's unlikely that'll happen until the game launches in a 1.0 state or later, if at all.


When paying out for mercenaries; I noticed that at some point I started having to pay off 'debt' or something? What's up with that? I don't recall ever going into debt


You have to pay their daily wages (for being in active party), and if they are not in the party for some reason: you still have to pay the wages under the name of debt. There's no more payments once they are stored after the debt payment or lost to the world.


Partially true, you never pay followers not in your party except the moment you dismiss them or transfer them out.


I've sometimes noticed that while I have like 2-3k in the bank and dismissed members, some guys will go missing though.

Followers waiting around at points of interest have a small daily chance to leave to go find other work. Your party's money has nothing to do with that.


There are some actions you can do like dismissing followers or transferring them out of the party that will create some debt, even if you have the money. The debt will be repaid the next morning. This was done so the player wouldn't immediately get stuck in a trap of "I can't fire anyone or move them out of the party because I can't afford it right now".

Debt also accumulates if you can't cover followers' daily wages in full at the start of the day, but that doesn't sound like your scenario.


Where can you find raccoons


Nowhere yet, I still need to think up a scenario for them to appear and be useful transformations.

Is the slime girl mines quest implemented yet?


Yep, that's been in since the beginning. You  have to talk to Patrolman Daevis in Whitetail Watch and cannot have the Absorption theme tag disabled.

Been loving the content so far but some sort of walkthrough would be helpful for me. I've been hung up on progressing some of the quests, namely Sword in the Grass and the one for Vyndaii. Have not been able to find Carottlot or the burial sites for those quests. Any advice? Thanks, look forward to seeing more.

Carrotlot is in the middle of Cat Eye Island, just south of Whitetail Watch. As for the sites in Vyndaii's quests, keep searching the unknown map markers while Vyndaii is in her base form. Examining a site removes it from the list of places to look, so you'll run out of locations in Greenridge Valley to check eventually.

Thanks! I was unaware Vyndaii had to be in her base form and if she isn't then the markers dont appear. Once I put her back I was able to go through everything without any problems


Amazing game so far. I loved the transformations i have found so far, but is there maybe some sort of guide or overview what transformation events and stuff are available in the game? my completionist just really wants to see them all but i dont know if i have found them all or not


Glad you like it! I haven't really put any time into anything like that since the game is still very much actively changing, and new forms are being added in all the time. Any comprehensive guide or lists would quickly become out of date. Generally you can see what's been added in the patch notes, however, which go back about 3 months.

How do you start the second client in lily's pleasure palace?

That one isn't available yet.

How do you get the moon maiden encounter

Try moving at night, or wait in place.

I've been trying that is there any special conditions or something?

Is there a way to get the maid transformation after hatfellow manor

The staff hatfellow drops, will occasionally prompt a maid TF if it is left un-eqipped in the players inventory.

Yep! You can also buy the potion of submissive maid from Lily's Pleasure Palace (but not vengeful maid).

hi i been wanting to try this game but evrey time i try to

download a messge apear saying that the file is not available on the website can you see wats the problem because i want to try the game

Here on I can't do anything about that.

Hiya, just wanted to give my two cents on this game. Because right now its really, REALLY good :) stretching to the art and story itself (Well done!)
However I have a problem with the mansion quest..

The mansion quest at the beginning of the game while cool in story standpoints... but is littered with soft locks everywhere. I would continuously get to 'the boss' of the place and have to reload my save due to me instantly losing as I had been transformed prior. Even after doing the mansion multiple times and looking at every poi trying to transform myself back  I eventually gave up with the quest itself.. This is a pretty important problem because it's one of the first quests the player gets in the game, and its what turned me off from playing in the 1.0 release. I feel like allowing the player to just fight the boss no matter their transformation will go a long way..

Maybe there's a way to turn yourself back? Am I doing something wrong? Either way I think it needs to be properly communicated to the player

Apart from that amazing stuff guys, super super excited to see where you take this, because even right now this is a really good product..

Thanks for the feedback! There is a way to prevent yourself and followers from being under Hatfellow's control when you confront him if you search the mansion and discover Lezza's Potion of Mental Preservation that many players miss. Make sure you read books you pick up in this game as doing so can advance quests, teach potions, and more.

Hey, I don't know if it's a bug, but the morphing effect will not be triggered when there is only the main character in the party, and the boss morphing ability is less likely to be triggered, and the boss can be easily defeated when two heroes are fully armed.

Do you mean the transformations in battle? For the time being the Self Maid Mansion quest is easy, if boring, if you don't take along companions. There's support for more mechanics involving the player and companions in the game now so at some point that quest will be revisited.

Is there a way to turn autosaves off, or reduce their frequency, because this game autosave a ton.

If not that, then some way to mass delete save files would be nice.

You can change the frequently or disable it altogether under the Settings panel if you want. Later on will we rework the save game system so it recycles through a limited set of save game files rather than a unique one every single time.

Great game, though I want the companions adventuring abilities we put our points into to actually matters in some dice roll decisions situation in the game.

For example if you only put your adventuring points into roguery and persuade but the option you have, requires you to have high flirt then you can switch from your character to your companions to make that decision even if your companions don't have the stat it requires you still can let the companions do the choice so you don't have to get full consequences of the decisions (make the companions lose affection of you if they lose the dice roll) BUT you're only able to switch to your companions if the encounter is not chaotic situation like getting ambushed or situation that put only your character in danger.

Alchemy costs seem pretty steep -- even when you know a recipe, there's some potions where it's cheaper to just sell the required materials and buy the potion directly.

We discussed a few things regarding alchemy like having the glass be returned to the player, so that's definitely on our radar. With high foraging you won't even need to buy the ingredients.


Fun concept, cute art - but forced way too many instances of having to save scum or reset to prior saves, or start over entirely (Hat Mansion especially - just softlocks the player into bad end and you'd better hope you can figure out a good autosave to roll back to).

I've had several false starts that require a hard reset - followers are insanely expensive at the start, especially since they are "disposable" and likely to lose some after 1 battle. Even with hiring out all available followers, you are still out-numbered and under-leveled for beginning battles on the map; and no point in even trying to level them since they will eventually leave. But there's no other way to gain exp - so you're basically throwing away 300~400 gold for one or two battles. (that's if you win; a loss basically requires a reset as then you're broke or have to go fishing by yourself repeatedly many times to afford to try it again.)

It's odd that some combat abilities require a "Move" tile left, and others dont - but the info card for abilities don't describe that. Most other SRPG allow "move" + "action" as separate objects. If the system here is going to be restricting actions based on if you moved 3 steps or not, each move info card needs to specify "consumes 1 move" or "consumes 2 moves".

Is there just some specific questline you are "supposed" to follow at the start to get a good leg up to overcome starting difficulty; and I've just walked every other path instead? 
Fawn girl seems to send you too far away for a starting quest; Mermaids want to siege a fortress - seems like a Bad Idea at Lvl 2. Hat Mansion %#!@%$ - neat concept, but after fully exploring and basically getting "haha softlock or bad end - load prior save" I'm not excited to go through it again. Cat alley in town = another "reload a prior save" instance due to how much you lose (funny and makes sense at least though :) .

I want to like this game, and it has potential; but after a few hours of basically wasted time for no meaningful progress , I also want to walk away entirely.

The info cards should already indicate move and combat ability cost. Each ability on the UI, both when examining a follower/companion or when the mouse over an ability of the selection bar at the bottom of the battle screen, should indicate the move and combat ability cost with the white and red markers when you examine the ability which correspond to the markers on the left of the battlers on the map.

Amour Aquatic is a relatively easy quest for low level character. You will be able to free some prisoners to fight alongside you in the cells there. Den of Mischief is also pretty straightforward.

I found the move icon on the infocard finally - I thought the white and red arrows were some sort of "element" or debuff icon; not a "cost". (since all the other cost/stat info was text, was very confusing until I figured that out.)

Started the mermaid Amour Aquatic quest; actually felt fairly balanced with all the NPC assist, even took the full route, got wolfgirl as well, took out the "boss" encounter guarding the ship to escape.

Haven't found "Den of Mischief" quest. Tried the "Prisoner of Twisted Grove", cleared most of dungeon with save scum because i can't afford stone cure potions. Got to boss, get entirely wiped out and guess it's clearly meant to be impossible fight at this level (lv 3/4 vs lv9s?!). Yay save scum to reset. Had to save scum three more times to get the "60% chance" to escape to succeed, to avoid a death/gameover/reset on failure.

Everything's just too expensive to not save scum. :(

I'm still trying to play because there's a fair amount of promise here, but this game feels more punishing than Ero Dungeons! (Darkest Dungeons, but lewd)

One of the early game techniques to build up some money is simply to do some fishing with Joyce the Fishmonger. Equip something that boosts Foraging, sail the ocean on North Shore which has no enemies, and you can get a few hundred gold without too much issue. Transfer any followers out of the party so you don't have to pay them upkeep while you do so.

Recruiting followers at low levels will also be cheaper in the next 0.2.x update when it reaches a public release.

Really liked the game! can't wait for the full release.

My favorite part about the game gotta be how your formations in battle can affect the difficulty, EG - blocking a tight passage with followers, putting some healers and rangers behind them proven to be a really useful tactic in slime infested mines!


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Some fun ideas. Good start for alpha build.

Combat definitely needs a retooling: both enemy difficulty balance and interface.

Would also remove the notification of "allies have unspent points". Shows up way too often

Perhaps disabling the unspent skill points could be a future gameplay setting. I've had other players say they found it a useful reminder as even the flashing arrows over the portraits can be easy to miss.

As for combat, can you provide any more detailed feedback on what you mean? The combat system will definitely evolve over time--delaying turns will be in the 0.2 release, for example.

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When setting up initial formations, it would be useful to display the turn order. This will aid in better formations. The turn order does not show up until combat has already commenced.

I also find enemies have a little too much evasion, even if you are overleveled, they still manage to avoid half of the attacks.

Absolutely phenomenal so far! As a general TF enjoyer, the game is fantastic, but as a fantasy enjoyer in general, I really do feel like a hero on a quest!

And very particularly as an Inanimate TF enjoyer, I would like to personally thank whoever wrote the Kimono TF scene. The sensuality, the vividness... I think moreso in feelings than pictures, and the feelings that scene evoked were *beautiful*.

Thank you very much! I have passed your kind words onto the writer.

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very promising, i'm looking forward to more content being added. might i suggest some sort of force encounter/trap function, for those going out of the way to find the transformations? as well as a force fail skill check

also i think the carrotlot quest may be bugged, i can't find it even as transformed imto a rabbit

In the latest patch you can purchase a Ring of Blindness from Darla the pixie in Whitetail Watch which, when equipped, will remove essentially all perception on a player or companion in order to trigger traps. Whether you pass the skill rolls is another matter, however.

As for Carrotlot, I'm not aware of any way to do spoilers here, so I'll just say Carrotlot is not too far from Whitetail Watch.

how do i get vyndaii as a companion? i finished the last gardener quest but she just disappeared from the map.

a few days after you complete the quest go to the Shrine of Sekaram at night


Absolutely love this game my only real 2 gripes is that there isn't more of it to play and for there to be a speed up option for battles (unless its already there and im just being dumb) as sometimes ill be trying to get through a quest or grind some items with foraging only to get stuck into a fight with 6-12 enemies and spend like 3-5 minuets fighting only for the same thing to happen 30 seconds later, the mine quest is a perfect example of this with all the slimes tanking all but 2 of my followers attacks due to their physical resistance.

I cant wait to see more from this game and where it goes.

Okay, how the hell do i even heal? Where is the inn? 

There is the Drunken Starfish Tavern in Aledock Town and the Mad Mare in Whitetail Watch. For healing, you can use potions of vitality, crates of bandages, or visit a healer like Penny's Potions in Aledock Town or the Infirmary in Whitetail Watch. Inside battles, some forms like the Fairy Flowertender and Fawn Forester have healing abilities to treat allies' health, and priests of Domumeris can soothe lust.

hi, just want to say i'm enjoying the game greatly and i think it's awesome! also i'm wondering as a fan of anthro mtf transformation if you're planning to add more stuff like maybe becoming an anthro cat or a dragon. 

For sure! You can already become the cat infiltrator form through a transformation potion if you wish.


Game is a bit too difficult for my tastes. Enemies out damage your resistances for too easy to want to focus on either defense, or offense. The idea of paying for a disposable party is neat, but in practice it is too resource intensive. It feels like money burns too quickly to actually want to use them, but the combat DEMANDS that you have a large party due to enemies scaling like crazy in the overworld. Concept is solid so I'll come back for sure though. It could just be standard early game bs that rpg's never get down, but as it stands lust damage is too high in my opinion


Thanks for your feedback! In the future we may implement difficulty levels that boost your party and penalizes enemies, and also allows for things like reduced recruitment costs and upkeep.

Its a bit Hard in the start anyways

A solid start for a first public build! I noticed a few minor bugs such as the barrier in the Tainted Fairy Forest playing sound effects even if the game's Master Volume is turned off, but I'm sure these are relatively easy fixes.

I'm very impressed with what's here so far, and I'm already looking forward to what the game will look like further down the line. I could only hope that there would be close to as many TFs as Exile had, though I realize that's a tall order, haha. Additionally, as much as I loved Exile, a more straightforward RPG really scratches a particular itch. I can't wait to see what else is in store as far as future companions and such go!

I'll be following this project with great interest throughout development!

Oops! I've added the barrier sound issue to the bug list.

Thank you very much! I'm not sure just how many transformations there will be at this time. From a rough estimate I'd say that maybe 20% of the game's content is currently in place. The game could be built out wide--many additional side quests, including mods / third party content. That will also pose some balancing issues, though, to keep the main storyline from being an utter cakewalk.

Played though everything available already! Will I have to start a new game when new content comes out? 

Really liking this game so far, I think more TF games should let you play after you have been tf'd, too many make the TF a bad end. I don't care if the transformation debuffs the player with stuff like weak, or mind-controls them, I really just like playing post-tf.

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I just downloaded the game but it wont let me click the check box in the ToA screen so i cant continue. What should i try to fix it?

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You need to scroll down to the bottom to confirm you've read it. If that isn't working it could be a bug. One other player recommended this on some forums:

"Do you have two monitors? I had the same issue, but using Win + arrow keys to change which monitor the game was on made it recognize that I had scrolled to the bottom so I could check the box."


This game is off to an excellent start!  I look very forward to future updates and content!




Cant wait for this to release, looking forward to it!


if you can please make this playable on android.

Pretty excited for this, I liked the previous one. Do you think you're gonna try for a steam release on this also?


Eventually, yes. In fact that's how we're letting people play it early via Steam beta keys. The store page will hopefully go live in the next month or two.

How would I get a key?

I can't direct message people on so I'm mainly handing them out on our Discord server.


Would be interested in a beta key as well, if they are available. Long time player of the first one, and owner of the remake.

I finally got to try your first game and loved it soooo much, i hope to try this new version does better where the previous one left off. I cant wait for when it comes out. Thank youuuuuu

Looks like great sequel. Is there a chance for beta key? :)

Could I possibly get a beta key for this game? I've played the hell out of your previous games and this one looks so interesting!

Come to think of it, is it actually possible to direct message someone on Itch? I don't think I've ever done that before.

ah I didn't even think of that. I'm actually in your discord as well and just switched my server profile to have the same username as I do here if that works

Doesn't matter particularly, just reach out to me there and I'll send one over.

could i get a discord invite heck if id known there was a discord i prob wouldn't be messaging her

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would it be possible to get a date for first game play im itching to play this already lol

I'm handing out beta keys for Steam. Would you like one? Uploading on Itch is a bit of a slower process and there's still various major bugs we need to fix first before we want the game out for a much wider audience.

yeah id appreciate that and that's understandable it be a shame if a bug got thru and ruined the hard work put into this if it got posted for everyone id be sad to see that as your games have been really good thus far

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Is it still possible to get a beta key? I really liked your previous games. But I don't know if this will work at all. Your old games say that they are not available in my country

i just joined the discord been having an issue where stuff didnt want to load fully i got that fixed today if your offer for a beta key still stands my discord is Wolfs Decent

Sure, I'll reach out to you there.

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This looks awesome, I love it when the transformation sticks around, regardless if its a boon or a curse. Though I have to ask, are full anthropomorphic transformations going to be in this game, all the pics just show anime-style humans with animal ears ears more or less. 


Eventually the game will include transformations like this:

Thanks for the response! 

That art looks great OwO


No problem! That art has been done a while but we are still working on the quest to integrate it into the game itself, so you can't attain that form without the use of the debug console just yet.

I wonder if you will make it playable on a browser or mobile device 

No, that will not be possible for this game.

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